Contract Management

Contract Management


A toolbox for contract follow up in a project.

Contract forecast and commitments

Contract forecast and commitments broken down, classified and quantified. Every element in the contract has it's own breakdown and are linked to your overall project Work breakdown structure.

Contractor baseline management

Add the contractor baseline for cost and progress to have a basis for comparison.

Contract cost and progress status

Cutoff based status for cost and progress to perform proactive decision-making.

Cash calls control

Monitor contracts to foresee when payments in different currencies will take place.


Contract Milestones gives an additional tool for contract follow up. Add original, forecast and actual milestone dates.

Tracking variation orders

All variations in a contract can be tracked from the initial request to the final status. The workflows can be used to interact and digitally sign the different steps in the process. This gives a seem less interface between the company and the contractor. This limits possible deviations and misunderstandings between the company and contractor regarding the status of each variation request.

All the decisions for contract variations will update the contract forecast and commitments accordingly.

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