Site documentation

Locations template

The locations template is a selection of pre-made sections where companies can pick and choose which sections they want to use to present their location..

On the New Location Template users can get an overview over the available sections for the locations pages, and choose which they want to use to present their location.

How to use the location template sections

  1. Using the legend at the top of the New Location Template, or the sections toolbar, find the article ID of the section you want to use.
  2. Make sure that the template for your location article is set to "Location.WithSections" in the settings tab (This is required for the article to render sections).
  3. Create a subarticle for the location you want to change (NB! Uncheck "Make available to Search Engines through Robots.txt") and paste the article ID you copied from the New Location Template page in the "Copy Article" field.
  4. The section you copied should now appear in your location article

NB! Sections sort from newest to oldest (top to bottom), use "Sort Order Date" in the settings tab to organize your sections.

Instructions for each section

  1. Header Section
  2. Image Sections
  3. Perks Sections
  4. Testimonials Sections
  5. Hiring Process Sections
  6. Q&A Sections
  7. Meet our Clients Sections
  8. Working Environment Sections
  9. Contacts Sections

Header Section


The header section can be edited enirely in the "Content" tab of the Content Editor.

The navigation menu will appear as a list in the editor, and can be edited as a regular list, just remember to add links on the list items.

To link to a sections use #[articleID-of-the-section] as the link (e.g. #new-location-perks).

Image Sections


To change the image in the image sections, simply upload an image in the images tab, and check off under summary image (make sure only one image is checked off on summary image). You can also add a short overlay text on the image by adding a title to the article in the settings tab.

Perks Section


The heading of the section is changed by changing the title of the section article, and the body text can be edited in the "Content" tab of the Content Editor, or directly in the "HTML" tab.

NB! The perk titles and icons have to be edited in the "HTML" tab! Attempting to edit the titles in the editor will remove all the icons.

To change the icons you have to go into the "HTML" tab. Icons are from Click on the icon you want on, and find its css class on the right hand side of the page.

Copy the icon class (highlighted on the image on the right)(highlighted on the image below), and replace the icon class you want to change in the HTML code of the section.

Testimonials Section


The heading of the section is changed by changing the title of the section article, and the body text can be edited in the "Content" tab of the Content Editor, or directly in the "HTML" tab.

The quotes and quote attributions can also be edited in the "Content" tab.

To change the video used in your testimonials sections, first find the YouTube ID if the video you want to use. Just navigate to the video you want on YouTube, and copy the series of letters and numbers that comes after watch?v=.

If the video is a part of a playlist, or you have navigated to the video from an external website, the YouTube ID might be followed by an & or another ?, DO NOT copy that part, ID directly following watch?v=. If you are still unsure which part of the URL is the ID, you can click the "Share" button found under the video and copy the ID from there.

Next navigate to the "HTML" tab of your testimonials sections and replace the YouTube ID already found in the code, with the one you copied from the video you want to use.

Hiring Process Section


The heading of the section is changed by changing the title of the section article, and the body text can be edited in the "Content" tab of the Content Editor, or directly in the "HTML" tab.

To change the icons you have to go into the "HTML" tab. Icons are from Click on the icon you want on, and find its css class on the right hand side of the page.

Copy the icon class (highlighted on the image on the right)(highlighted on the image below), and replace the icon class you want to change in the HTML code of the section.

Q&A Section


The heading of the section is changed by changing the title of the section article, and the body text can be edited in the "Content" tab of the Content Editor, or directly in the "HTML" tab.

The questions and answers have to be edited in the "HTML" tab.

The start and end of each Q&A block has been marked in the HTML code, copy and paste to add more, or delete to remove unused blocks.

Meet our Clients Section


The heading of the section is changed by changing the title of the section article.

To change which videos or articles are linked to in the body of the section can only be done in the "HTML" tab, and will require some knowledge of how to work with HTML.

If you need help changing the content of this section, contact Frode Bødtker from Omega 365 Design on Teams, or on email at

(The products pages use the same layout in the "Learn more about our products and clients" section, you can HTML from there if they have the same content that you want.)

Working Environment Section


The heading of the section is changed by changing the title of the section article, and the body text can be edited in the "Content" tab of the Content Editor, or directly in the "HTML" tab.

The images have to be changed in the "HTML" tab. To change an image first upload it in the "Images" tab, select it, and copy one of the image's relative URLs.

Then navigate to the "HTML" tab, remove the URL in the src=" " tag and paste the URL you copied.

Contacts Section


The heading of the section is changed by changing the title of the section article, and the body text can be edited in the "Content" tab of the Content Editor, or directly in the "HTML" tab.

The contact blocks are rendered using a string that looks like this.

All you need to do is replace the PersonID and the Title and the Contact block will render on the page.

The start and end of each contact column has been marked in the "HTML" tab. To add more Contacts, copy and paste the columns, and delete them to remove unused blocks.

Info Section


The text can be edited in the "Content" tab of the Content Editor, or directly in the "HTML" tab.

To add more points in the info list you have to go into the "HTML" tab, and copy and paste.