Brand manual


Omega 365 uses the font Roboto as our chosen typography. Roboto is to be used on all written communication such as websites, documents, presentations, marketing materials, and contracts from all companies in Omega 365.

Installing Roboto

Roboto is a Google font, which means it is easily available. If you do not have the font on your computer, follow these instructions to download Roboto.

  1. Go to Google Fonts to download Roboto
  2. Select «Download Family» in the top right corner
  3. Unzip/extract the zip-file
  4. Select all images in the folder, except the one named “Licence.txt”, and double click, or right-click and select “Open” or "Install" (naming varies)
  5. Click «Install» (in all windows that pop up)
  6. The font is now installed, and available in all your applications (if you cannot find it, close and reopen the application, or restart your computer).

These are the font styles most commonly used for Omega 365:

Roboto Regular
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
& % $ #
Roboto Medium
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
& % $ #
Roboto Bold
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
& % $ #

Font sizes

The smallest recommended size for body text is 8 pt. The maximum recommended size for body text is 10 pt. Always select font sizes that are proportionate in relation to other elements, and what document or product type you are producing. 

Content accessibility

To follow the regulations for web content accessibility (WCAG 2.0), all information must be correctly formatted to allow users of different disability levels to access the content. For documents, this mainly applies to the contrast between colors, color usage, and font sizes.

To ensure that our documents and presentations will be accessible we must ensure that the font size is reasonable and that we use sufficient color contrast. The recommended text color on body text is black. The recommended background color is white.

Screenshot of Word showing correct contrast between text and background

Sufficient contrast
This document has optimal readability with black text on white background.

Screenshot of Word showing incorrect contrast between text and background

Insufficient contrast
Poor readability due to insufficient contrast in colors with light yellow text on a light background.

Screenshot of Word showing incorrect contrast between text and background

Insufficient contrast
The content is not accessible because of black text on dark blue background.

Screenshot of Word showing correct contrast between text and background

Sufficient contrast
The recommended color for text is black or dark grey. Example with dark grey text.

Screenshot of Word showing incorrect contrast between text and background

Insufficient contrast
Reduced readability due to light grey color on body text and light color on headline, which provides insufficient contrast.

Email signature

Omega 365 does not use the logo in email signatures due to potential technical difficulties on the receiver’s end. It is therefore recommended that employees only use text-based email signatures. This is the recommended email signature in Omega 365:

Best regards,

Name Surname
Job title

Company name