
Inside Omega

Omega Areal assists in building hatcheries 

Omega Areal will contribute to the construction of a new hatchery in Vågafossen.

Mowi is building an impressive, new hatchery in Vågafossen and investing several hundred million NOK in the project. Omega Areal is contributing to the project as the builder's representative, in addition to taking care of application paperwork, plans for surface water, and situation plans. A lot of the work has consisted of selecting contractors and participating in a phase of interaction with the selected contractors.

“As the builder’s representative, I am responsible for following up HSE, finances, progress, and quality on the project in cooperation with a project group consisting of four Mowi employees. I have been responsible for contact with the relevant authorities, as well as contact with landowners, homeowner associations, and other individuals,” says Leiv Anfin Drange from Omega Areal.

Omega Areal has also been responsible for the application paperwork, including changing the zoning plan for the area and the framework application for the entire venture. Drange points out that there have been several challenges on the project, including figuring out how to blast out such large amounts of rock without causing major consequences to the surrounding environment.

“By far the biggest challenge has been predicting potential obstacles and addressing them as far ahead of time as possible. The very last challenge was the discovery of unexploded ordnance from the previous project in 2014 at the site where rocks are now being broken. The solution was to order a bomb-detection dog, mark the areas where the potential duds were located, and have these areas gently flushed and checked. New challenges always pop up, which makes the job very exciting,” says Drange.

“In close collaboration with the contractors, we have managed to carry out the project without a single absence caused by injury thus far. We work continuously on improving safety; in one year, when the project is complete, we will know if we have managed to provide a successful and injury-free project.”

About Omega Areal

Omega Areal now has close to 50 employees. From their offices in Ølensvåg, Stord, Frakkagjerd and Bergen, Omega Areal provides a wide range of services, including analyzing, planning, engineering and follow-up throughout the construction process. Omega Areal offers services to both public and private clients and has in recent years secured contracts with the majority of the municipalities in the Sunnhordland and Haugaland region, in addition to holding major roles in projects such as the construction of a new care center in Etne, the new Aksen in Husnes, and a new swimming facility on Bømlo. 

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