
Inside Omega

Frame agreement within Quality & Risk

Published: 13.07.10 (updated: 09.02.11)

In June 2010, Omega signed a threeyear frame agreement with Statoil covering personnel in the fields of Quality and Risk.

Extended efforts

Throughout the years, Omega has followed a strategy to offer clients both project competence and system tools for project management, with an increased focus on the fields of Quality and Risk Management in the last few years. The new frame agreement enables Omega to emphasise on a long-term development of personnel and systems within the Quality and Risk fields. The agreement stretches over three years, with an option of two additional years (2x1 year).

– We are hoping that the agreement will provide interesting assignments for Statoil in the future, and we look forward to competing with the other frame agreement suppliers in these areas, says Petter Aalvik, CEO of Omega.

A need for new consultants

We need more consultants in the Quality and Risk fields at most of our Norwegian locations, and encourage new personnel to get in touch. Follow our available positions on