
Work prep. and execution (PES)

Pims Preparation Execution System

Integrated Digital Arena for work preparation, planning, expediting, execution, and reporting with focus on performance and deliverables.

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Pims Preparation Execution System is an integrated product suite.

The system provides a digital visualization of your asset with project status, easy access to information, and the possibility to communicate a live plan with real time material & logistics status. By utilizing an advanced workflow engine and project reporting capabilities built on LEAN principles you can document digital work processes to enable continuous improvement, and connect work processes with your digital organization to ensure best practice.

Learn more about our products and clients

Query management - get to know the basics

See this introduction video about query management in our Preparation Execution System. The queries are used for communication between multiple delivery lines in the project.

Johan Sverdrup – Norway's third largest oil field

Our products was used in the hook-up process of the Johan Sverdrup oil field – one of the most important industrial projects in Norway for the next 50 years.

Easy access to organizational charts in PES

PES offers many features to assist you in your work, and organizational charts are one of them! Organizational charts are easy to navigate so that you can easily find people and connect.

Introduction to Preparation Execution

Contact us - we're here to help!

If you're interested in Omega 365's products and solutions or simply want more information, please don't hesitate to contact us or request a demo!

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